浏览从卡罗莱纳处理beta365官网系统和组件的广泛选择, 包括护栏, 帖子保护者, 基板, 闩, 光线, 和更多的.
Below is just some of the rack and wire products we offer. 查看我们销售的品牌和商品的完整列表, contact one of our associates to discuss your needs and budget.
From Roll-formed and Structural to Drive-in and Cantilever, 我们有适合你手术的架子. 我们与许多品牌和供应商合作,为我们的客户提供最高质量的托盘beta365官网系统. Not sure which system will work in your warehouse? Give us a call today for a free evaluation of your facility's storage needs.
结构架在快节奏的仓库环境中,强烈建议使用结构托盘架, 如大型冷库设施, 饮料经销商, 食品处理仓库, 或者任何大容量的仓库. 结构架可以承受beta365设备更大的冲击,每平方英寸提供更多的磅数.
辊形机架Roll Formed Pallet Rack is recommended for retail stores, 商业, 工业仓库储存重量较轻的产品,与beta365的互动较少. Roll-formed rack is less expensive than structural rack, and this lower cost provides a more up-front return on investment, while still providing the strength necessary for most applications.
悬臂式beta365官网悬臂式beta365官网提供高效,有组织的存储更长,奇怪大小的材料. Available in a wide variety of sizes and capacities, 标准和重型悬臂架提供各种存储解决方案. 选择多种风格,安装简单,维护成本低,坚固耐用.
托盘流动架托盘流beta365官网是一种高密度的存储系统,功能为先进,先出. This system works well for time sensitive products and a limited number of SKUs. 托盘从一侧装载,重力滚轮将其运送到拣选侧. On systems over 3 pallets deep, a braking system is typically provided.
仓库护栏可在中型和重型, warehouse guards rails protect your pallet racking, storage structures and other important areas from damage by warehouse equipment. 这些护栏的等级是10,以每小时4英里的速度撞击1000磅, 并且可用于18“或43”高的柱子,包括所有必要的硬件.
通道末端保护器These space-saving rack protectors are installed at the end of rack aisles. 独特的设计使您可以在机架腿周围安装防护装置,节省您的空间,特别是在车道狭窄的地方. The low profile guard also saves space on your first pallet position. These rack protectors are ideal when space is limited.
模块化安全屏障系统Build-A-Rail Guard Rails from Handle-It are heavy duty, customizable and easily assembled to protect property from damage due to impact. 建设铁路系统, two or three rails high by just stacking rail units one on top of the other, and can be coupled together to make runs as long as you want. 可在4,6,8和10英尺的长度.
塑料柱保护器HDPE塑料立柱保护器的设计可以轻松地安装在您的仓库立柱周围,并提供beta365交通的冲击保护. 它们非常显眼,在发生撞击时在柱子周围增加了一个保护屏障. The HDPE plastic construction is light weight with long lasting durability.
正直的架 & 帖子保护者直立柱架保护器和浅轮廓柱保护器的设计,以偏转冲击的beta365, 托盘杰克, and pallets while they are being moved in and out of the rack bays. Rack protectors snap onto standard 3x3 rack uprights, and Column Guards come in a variety of standard and special order custom heights.
地板上安装的障碍物安装在地板上的屏障提供加强的保护,与地板齐平. 12英寸高的冲洗设计可防止产品和叉子推入人行道或受保护的设备. 与典型的导角相比,这些屏障提供了两倍的保护高度.
Damo警卫 & 超级后卫The Damo警卫 and 超级后卫 look simple, but looks can be deceiving. These well-engineered guards prevent damage on front columns, eliminate possible side twisting and fit on any type of rack. 这是一种有效的方式来保护你直立最关键的部分:前24英寸. 36” & 48英寸可选.
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Damo指南 & 结束警卫The Damo指南 is used for narrow aisle entry configurations. It helps lift trucks follow a defined path, away from uprights. The Damo 结束警卫 is used to protect end of aisles against traffic damage. Both are adaptive in length to fit specific needs, 并由3/8”厚角铁与加强筋,以增加抗冲击性.
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托盘塞 & 铁路塞达摩托盘挡板用于保护墙壁或后框架免受托盘在地板水平的冲击, 标准长度为24 ". 达摩轨道塞子用于保护墙壁和后框架,防止托盘在轨道水平上的冲击. 两者都是由3/8“厚角铁. 其他颜色和镀锌面漆可供选择.
钢丝层板我们的丝网甲板解决方案旨在为整个仓库或履行中心的托盘架应用提供额外的安全性. We offer a number of brands and products for a variety of different uses; everything from 轻型 shelving to heavy duty racks. beta365的团队讨论您的需求.
分区 & 笼子里电线隔板用于仓库和制造设施的工具槽, 设备的笼子里, 一般储藏区. 标准配置为两面、三面或四面,有一个通往笼子区域的入口门. 门可以配备钥匙锁, 键盘, 读卡器, 指纹扫描仪, 推动酒吧, 和更多的.
滚动车Industrial rolling carts are perfect for retail and 商业 applications. 当在仓库挑选订单和在销售楼层补充beta365官网时,它们可以提供一种安全的替代手动卡车和轻型托盘千斤顶. Available in a variety of configurations with optional shelves. 如图所示: WorldCart™来自WWMH
线的容器我们提供各种金属丝容器, 包括:折叠, 轻型, 散装, 托盘包围, 和更多的. 我们提供的所有库存集装箱都有4路入口,便于beta365使用, convenient drop gate design for easy access to products, and safety rating plates with static load capacity and static load height.