We carry a host of industrial floor scrubber brands, including Tennant, PowerBoss, and Factory Cat. 从骑在洗涤器上的清洁工组合到走在后面,甚至是自动机器, 我们找到了适合你们工厂的扫地工. 以下是我们所携带的一些型号的样本. 为了更好地了解哪种地板清洁溶液最适合您的应用, 联系 我们的一位知识渊博的同事.
The M30 was designed for very large sweeping and scrubbing applications like parking garages, 配送中心和制造工厂. 它可以一次扫描和擦洗, 并具有2200 PSI的动力清洗机选项,可快速清洁墙壁, 角落和其他狭窄的区域.
Tennant M17电池供电的扫地车是一种创新产品, 高性能的清洁-洗涤器,只需一次即可有效清洁, 改善室内空气质素, 提高了操作员和主管的经验, 这一切都集中在一台极其可靠的机器上.
The 租户T17擦洗楼 delivers high quality cleaning results on numerous hard surfaced floors. 它可以快速抛光地板,并清除地面上的污垢和碎片. 具有单按钮擦洗操作功能, training is kept simple; simply push the start button and go.
The Tennant Battery-Powered T16 Scrubber is available with a disk scrub deck or cylindrical scrub/sweep deck. 采用圆柱形擦洗平台,无需手动清扫. You can also increase the T16 cleaning path from 36 inches to 46 inches (28% wider) with the optional scrubbing side brush.
应对劳动力挑战, 使用T7AMR提高效率并保持高标准的清洁, 一个机器人解决方案,旨在与员工一起安全高效地工作. Reduce the amount of detergent and water needed with optional ec-H2O NanoClean® technology.
T7是一个紧凑的工业级,自行式,微型骑乘地板洗涤器. It features innovative Tennant technologies such as optional ec-H2O NanoClean™ to reduce the amount of detergent and water needed. T7可提供圆盘擦洗甲板或圆柱形擦洗/扫描甲板.
使用Tennant T1微型履带洗涤器, 你可以比传统的拖把和水桶清洁地板快五倍. Its standard form is cord electric, but is also available with maintenance free AGM batteries. 选配锂离子电池,电池寿命延长20倍.
租赁T300 / T300e地板洗涤器
清洁几乎任何坚硬的表面, 包括多孔石材, 用T300 / T300e灌浆和成品混凝土. 和, 当您加入坦能创新的ec-H2O NanoClean™技术时, 你将使用电转化水来有效地清洁, 省钱, 减少对环境的影响.
Factory Cat's Mini HD Walk Behind Floor Scrubber comes equipped with a Traction drive which includes a powerful all-gear transaxle for climbing ramps and max operator ease. 它可以设置与光盘, 或者圆柱形擦洗头, 尺寸范围从25英寸到29英寸,以实现最大的通用性.
Pilot HD属于Micro Rider洗涤器的范畴. 不要让“微”这个词欺骗了你, 这台机器的生产率高达23%,每小时0.34平方英尺,运行时间为6小时. The Pilot is equipped with a powerful drive motor that has the capability of climbing steep inclines.
海军上将38C以其简单的设计和耐用的结构而闻名. 它提供扫地,密集擦洗和完美的吸尘一次通过. Single front wheel steer and drive provides exceptional traction and maneuverability making this machine easy to use and super productive.
鹦鹉螺HD扫地机可以是一个特殊的价值,您的公司. 大容量的水提供更长的清洗时间, 重型不锈钢部件提供较低的拥有成本, 无与伦比的可操作性有助于确保专业的清洁效果.
我们有许多扫地品牌,包括Factory Cat, PowerBoss和Tennant. Our floor solution experts can tell whether a walk-behind or ride-on machine is right for your facility. 下面是我们库存的扫地机的样本. 请与我们联系 了解更多 关于你所在地区的型号.
坦南特6200是一个安静的, 中型电池供电的扫地车,具有坚固的钢框架, 多级倾卸斗, 清晰的视线, 而且易于使用的控制装置可以一次捕获灰尘和碎片——清洗速度为52次,每小时1000平方英尺.
Tennant S20是中型工业级, 自航, 骑上扫地,提供令人印象深刻的性能,无论是室内和室外, 即使在恶劣的环境中. 可选的HEPA过滤系统甚至有助于管理二氧化硅粉尘.
The S10 is a Walk-Behind Sweeper for industrial facilities with a heavy steel bumper wrapping the entire machine to protect vital components. 它的设计机动在狭小的空间和延长清洗时间与一个大料斗.
The S9 Walk-Behind Sweeper was designed with maximum productivity and ease of use as the primary goals. It features dual side brushes and 自航 operation to clean indoor and outdoor areas quickly, 并配有免维护电池.
使用Tennant 3640上的所有选项, 它无疑是最通用的履带式扫地车. 3640集成了一个跨轴,有三个前进速度,倒车,空挡和停车. 您甚至可以调整控制手柄,以匹配操作员的高度.
The 74" Armadillo 10X Liquid Cooled Rider Industrial Sweeper delivers more cleaning coverage while maintaining great dust control. This reliable sweeper is built to a heavy-equipment standard generating a longer lasting product.
64英寸的阿特拉斯骑扫车可以处理最崎岖的地形. 离地间隙很大, the this Riding Sweeper features 23” diameter tires allowing you to sweep over speed bumps, 人行道上, 中间没有损坏机器.
PowerBoss Apex 58
The 46" Apex 58 is a versatile and high performing industrial sweeper designed with the operator in mind. 它配备了一块电池,每次充电最多可以使用3小时, 并具有符合人体工程学的正确座位位置,以减少疲劳.
PowerBoss Apex 47
The Apex 47 Rider Sweeper is designed for maneuverability and heavy duty industrial sweeper strength. With its front wheel drive system it holds a 70” turning radius allowing you to reach tighter spaces while maintaining top quality dust control.
The Factory Cat TR Rider Sweeper is ideal for sweeping small and large debris on any hard surface floor, 以60度的速度清洁,每小时1000平方英尺. 在TR骑扫地也使一个优秀的地毯清扫大面积.
工厂猫34型是最好的地板清洁机器之一. 主扫帚以每分钟300转的速度旋转, 清扫一切,从细小的灰尘到大块的托盘和岩石等重物, 当覆盖30,每小时1000平方英尺.
Tomcat 地板上研磨器 produce propane quality shine, but are completely battery operated. 灰尘控制是地板抛光机的标准功能, 这样就不需要在使用后用拖把擦拭地板了. 集尘袋易于拆卸处理, 多余的袋子可以储存在机器上. 请填写下面的表格 免费报价.
Tomcat 200地板抛光机
Tomcat’s Walk-Behind 200 Burnisher is designed to operate quietly while preventing dust from spreading which is great for schools, 医院, 购物中心, 博物馆, 机场, 还有杂货/零售设施.
Tomcat 255地板抛光机
The Tomcat 255 features variable pad pressure and is smaller than most walk-behinds with a 35% wider path. It can make even the oldest concrete shine like a mirror—fume free—with its 4 hour run time.
Tomcat 270地板抛光机
The 270 is a popular choice because of the high-gloss shine it creates on many different surfaces due to its unique burnishing head and flexible pad. 它由电池供电,拥有8小时的运行时间!
The R14 Ride On Carpet Extractor can help inhibit mold and bacteria growth by leaving up to 90% less water in your carpet after cleaning. Dual counter-rotating extraction brushes combine with unsurpassed vacuum lift to leave carpets looking like new.
Tennant 1610双模提取器
Use Tennant’s 1610 extractor for interim cleaning or deep extraction for a complete carpet cleaning system in a single machine. Cleaning professionals will appreciate the advantages of the 1610’s dual technology: ReadySpace® and extraction.
Tennant's E5 will improve your carpet cleaning by getting into hard-to-reach or congested areas with a low profile, 紧凑的设计. The E5 also reduces operator fatigue with low-effort pull back operation and an Insta-Adjust™ ergonomic handle.
Tennant R3紧凑型地毯提取机
Tennant’s R3 Interim Carpet Extractor cleans small areas quickly with Tennant’s ReadySpace® rapid-drying carpet cleaning technology. 在几分钟内提供干净的地毯,以减少房间和地毯区域的停机时间.
Tennant EH1 / EC2 / EH2 / EH5 Canister 地毯萃取器 are designed for outstanding cleaning performance. 这些多才多艺的, easy-to-use canister extractors removal soil and extract water without changing the carpet's texture.
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